
Willkommen auf bunker-nrw.de! Wir sind die größte deutschsprachige Lost-Place Community. Bei uns dreht sich alles um verlassene Gebäude, Häuser, Fabriken, aber auch Bergwerke und ähnliches. Wir freuen uns auf dich!

Hallo aus Groβbritannien.


hi, I'm Martyn. I live in the UK but have spent a lot of time exploring the lost sites of the Cold War and WWII in Germany. Mainly around Berlin. Most recently I've been exploring the areas around Essen, Dortmund, Leipzig and Dresden.
I stumbled upon the site by chance while trying to track down underground hospitals to explore on my next visit.
I am also currently learning German, so please forgive me, although this introduction was mostly done via Google Translate, I will try to write more as I learn more.
I live near Cambridge. I know this forum is dedicated to German bunkers, shelters etc. but if you would like to see some of the bunkers I visited in the UK I will upload some photos.
a few British bunkers are part of the GCHQ holding line to slow down any invading force




St Martin's Deep Shelter




Langdon Hole Battery




Folkestone Marine Command Bunker




I have many more pictures from various locations here in the UK, some from the Maginot Line and a whole host of former Russian bases in and around Berlin. I realise this site is NRW so apologies if you don't want to see these pictures posted. :-)
It's not only NRW. I think members here are interested in derelict places all over Europe and maybe more.

Welcome to the forum. I'm looking forward to your pictures especially from the UK.

i´am also interested in british Bunkers or underground Structures. I´am watching IKS Explorations on Youtube for quite a long time and it seem´s you have a lot of interesting stuff over there!

Cheers Carsten
Welcome Martyn.
I (and I'm sure some others here) occasionally enjoy reading the reports on 28dayslater, after all it's pretty much the UK equivalent of our site and you certainly have a good amount of great urbex locations especially "up norf" ;)
By the way, it was kinda funny/noteworthy to see the letter "β" in your thread title, as it's the Beta from the Greek alphabet and not the "ß" on our German keyboards.
Apart from that, I do have a soft spot for the UK due to growing up with a Speccy and reading some imported UK mags back in the 80s.
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