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A year ago to the Museum of the Polish Army signed up three men who passed using ground penetrating radar picture and the information that they know where it is hidden armored train. Image quality is to be so sensational that you can not only measure the size of the warehouse, but even recognize the different types of guns. Even prepared a proposal for an agreement between the Museum and seekers, but then about died.
- That's right, more than a year ago, probably in June to Polish Army Museum signed up three men who showed pictures of GPR. They claimed that they know where it is hidden armored train during the Second World War - said curator Michael Mackiewicz of the MWP. It ensures that the picture quality is sensational georadarowego.
- Clearly you can see that it is an armored train from the railway platforms, with self-propelled guns. Looking at the picture, you can estimate the length, and even the types of each department. However, you can not see there gold - provides Mackiewicz.
He points out, however, that he can not share photos to the media because he was authorized to do so. It is known that the authenticity of the photographs has not been verified.
- Men who reported to us a year ago, it was not Peter Koper and Andreas Richter (explorers who claim to know the location of the train - ed.) - Marks the custodian. - Probably they were their colleagues. Evidence of this, among others, the fact that they represent the same patron - Jaroslaw Chmielewski - he added.